How does time control work?

Objective: Know the excess/defect of worked hours regarding the scheduled hours receiving check-ins/outs automatically.


1. Plan shifts

  • Create a shift schedule
  • This planning can be made using all the corresponding tools available in aTurnos.
  • It is essential to know the deviations afterward to accomplish 3/2016 instruction of the job inspection. To detect deviation, firstly planning must be made.

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2. Define tolerances

  • Define a time margin for absence generation or hour/complementary hour. You must simplify management and aTurnos filters automatically inside tolerances.
  • Example: a tolerance of 15 minutes, if a shift is from 8:00 to 15:00 and the employee checks-in at 8:14 and checks out at 15:00, the application does not generate any alert of possible absence.
  • It is only necessary to define absenteeism types, hours and the default maximum duration per working day to start.

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3. Check-ins/outs monitoring

  • Check-ins/outs from different sources arrive to aTurnos: mobiles, IP filtered, commercial time control, etc. Now it is necessary to validate deviations produced and complete check-ins/outs if , for example, the employee forgot to do so.
  • Adjust excesses and defects to the real planning for the creation of regular, overtime or complementary hours and the same with absenteeisms.

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4. Export to payroll

To export to payroll you must:

  • Once the time management is adjusted, the payroll concepts that exist in aTurnos will be generated automatically.
  • This process generates a CSV or it is inserted by the API into your payroll system.
  • All the previous processes remain audited and registered in the log for having a total traceability .

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