
In aTurnos, we don’t only create software, we also help enterprises to improve their planning processes and organization. These are the first questions you must ask yourself, so we can help you.

Ice-breaker questions

  • What is your problem with the time/shifts management?
  • What is the management in which your team looses productivity?
  • Where does supervisors/directors need help?
  • In which moment do you feel you loose the management control?

About shift types and absences

  • Do you work with fixed shifts that rotate?, or it is possible to allocate independent hours in the contract such as overtime hours or complementary hours? In a nutshell, the employee can work in the morning-shift and the next day work 2 hours in another service out of their regular shift.
  • Does your staff rotate from one team to others? Do you have movements between teams? By team, we understand the group of employees that share their schedule, location, and they can substitute between themselves.
  • Do you have a big shift combination? Are working days so flexible that they can’t be gathered in shifts, but in quantity of hours?
  • Do you want to identify absenteeisms types? Do you want to identify if they are paid absences?

About plannings and conventions

  • Is it an annual planning problem? Is it a demands’ adjustment problem? Is it a shift’s allocation problem? Is it a time control’s problem?

    1. Demands’ adjustment problem: I need to know the number of employees of each contract type inside the convention in order to cover the demand and the possible deviations. I have a demand and the convention’s restrictions, I need to define the type of shifts, the number of employees and allocate shifts to them.

    2. Allocation problem: I have some employees defined and I want to cover the shifts I have already defined equally.

    3. Time control problem: I allocate shifts depending on the demand, but I need to have information about the hours’ status of each employee in order to comply with the convention and not to incur in extra costs.

  • Do you have a labour convention or intern policy complex and with too many restrictions to adjust the employee’s schedule?
  • Due to the new legislation, Do I have to control complementary hours of half-working days and full-working days?

About employees and flexibility

  • It exists flexibility during the shift or day? The person in the team attending the demand moves from one location to another? Do you have a high level of employees’ rotation? Do you hire employees in demands’ peak periods, or do you need to do a re-planning?
  • Do you hand in your employees’ schedule? Do your employees complain due to a handed in employee's schedule delayed?
  • Do you allow shifts swaps between colleagues? How do you manage the shifts swaps between colleagues? Do they have to sign in paper? Will they have access to the system and see shifts from the rest of the employees?
  • Do you need to track each team's professional experience and their service quality in any moment?
  • Do you have problems with the allocation or communication of new employees’ schedule?
  • Do you have absenteeisms problems?
  • Do you have communications problems with your team? Do you need a communication system with the corresponding team every moment?
  • How are holidays allocated? Do you have any specific criteria?
  • Do you have specific restrictions for some members of the team?

Data integration with third parties

  • What type of control panel or information do you need for your operations?
  • Is this information relevant for operations/plannings, or does it have statistic purposes?
  • Do you loose productivity while passing new shifts’ allocation to the payroll ERP?
  • Do you need integrations with other systems?

Automate your workforce planning and management to comply with the law.

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