Configure your equipment taking into account labor legislation


Legiscación Laboral

The work restrictions of aTurnos are a control tool so as not to violate the legislation, agreements, contracts or acquired rights of workers in personnel planning. These restrictions can include a single worker or a group.

Both the workers´ Statute, as a basic norm, sectoral collective agreements (national, regional or local) and / or company agreements establish mandatory norms , we refer , for example by:

  • 'Minimum rest of 12 hours between days (article 34.3 of the workers' Statute)'.

But in addition to these there are other rules that may be specific to your company , for example:

  • 'You cannot work more than X days in a row in a given shift, when for example no more than 3 night shifts in a row are allowed.'

On a day-to-day basis, the main function of the restriction is to issue notices when the modification of a worker´s schedule (by adding a new shift to a worker who must cover a leave, for example) is going to generate non-compliance with the established rules.

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