Whether you need your workers to check in only in certain locations or to allow free marking, but collect the data of the exact location from which the transfer was made, this is the system you need.
Mobile geolocation .
Workers can have different locations reported with an address and a distance radius, so that they could only sign in if they are within the established perimeters.
It is possible to establish for all or some workers the possibility of signing in from anywhere and collecting the data of the exact location from which they have signed in (for example, for commercials).
Workers will be able to sign in by accessing their aTurn account from any device with GPS.
The aTurnos APP does not constantly track the employee, the system only collects their position when the worker clicks on the APP to initiate the tagging. This validation of whether the worker is in a position allowed for the start is done in the same application, the geopositioning data does not reach aTurnos, it is only validated in the APP and the marking is sent, but not the specific position. Only under a certain configuration is the employee's geopositioning collected when marking for later data validation.
The punches made by your workers by geolocation are directly dumped to aTurnos where you can know in real time the situation of your team. Analyze the excess/defect of the hours worked with respect to the planned ones and generate absences, complementary hours, overtime, etc.
Plan the hours of your staff by creating the shift schedules and define the tolerances with which you establish the margin of time for absences, overtime or complementary hours in the clockings of your workers.
Completes the clockings of your workers in case they have forgotten to make any marking and analyzes the deviations produced with respect to the planning.
Generate from aTurnos the reports of all the clockings of your workers in PDF and/or Excel, keep a better control of your team and comply with the Daily Record of the Day of article 1.h) of the R.D. Law 16/2013 requested by the Labor Inspection.
Export the data to your payroll tool through a CSV file or with our API once the payroll concepts have been generated automatically in aTurnos.
In aTurnos we have a manual in which you can learn about our platform in detail to configure it and understand how it works. Click here to learn how to create the locations and configure the GPS clocking.