One of the most tedious processes when doing payrolls, and its subsequent payment is all variables’ calculation. It is a waste of time calculating night shifts, bank holidays, shift switches, on call shifts, etc. These procedures are regularly managed from Excel or a file previously filled by managers, and this involves many time and failures. Afterwards, it is sent by email to human resources for its processing, which usually needs another validation.
In aTurnos we are able to extract automatically all those concepts from the schedule without any user’s interaction and generate a file or implement it with our payroll tool. We have implemented SAP,A3, Meta4, A3, etc.
The quantity of concepts we have developed still growing, we have more than 100 and we are still adding more. The complexity can be infinite but from aTurnos we can automate it. An example, is when the night shift will be more than 3 hours in weekends, it is paid in a concept, and when it is exceeded it is paid in another concept.
The process will be audited and validated in different clients, an initial approach can be:
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