Manage your workers' schedules with our leave and vacation requests and shift changes between workers.


More than 1000 companies rely on our management tool and workers.


The keys to an efficient management system and employee empowerment


Flexibility and accessibility


Automatic legal control


Bidirectional communication

What does the aTurnos employee management process consist of?

Paid leave and vacation management

Employees can submit leave requests (absences) and vacation requests to be validated by the corresponding administrator according to the defined flows (a supervisor, HR, etc.). In addition, when accepting these requests, the system recommends a substitute for the uncovered position according to the constraints and characteristics of the employee.

On the other hand, administrators can insert absences and vacations directly into the schedule or by importing.

aTurnos has several options for configuring the request process so that you can customize the validation flows, deadlines, maximum days or hours of leave according to the agreement, as well as the limitations according to the needs of your company.

Shift and hour offers

Managers can launch shift or hour offers in time slots where there is a shortage of staff. Workers can then apply for the offers they want and administrators can choose the candidates that meet the defined rules.

Managers can launch shift or hour offers in time slots where there is a shortage of staff. Workers can then apply for the offers they want and administrators can choose the candidates that meet the defined rules.

Shift changes

Employees can request shift changes among themselves. There are several types depending on the needs of the employees: exchange of one shift for another, exchange of one day off for another, or shift doubling.

The validation flows for these changes can be customized with numerous options to make it a controlled and direct process between employees or to require the intervention of an administrator (or several).

Two-way communication with employees

In aTurnos we have numerous functions to carry out constant communication with employees and thus manage your team in an agile way.

  • Through the request process, employees and administrators can add comments or also on specific shifts or days.
  • We have a bulletin board in widget format on the home page, where the team is notified every time a new message is added.
  • Messages can be sent directly to workers from the APP.
  • Personalized automatic emails (e.g., to remind the end-of-month review of hours worked).

Export to payroll and reporting

The whole process of planning and daily management at the end of each month generates accumulated balances that can be consulted and exported to payroll in the form of predefined concepts. The process of exporting to payroll is fully configurable, based on the permissions of each user, manual or automatic quadrant closings according to the export dates, etc.

In addition, in Aturnos we have numerous predefined statistics and report variables that will help you to keep a faster and more efficient control of the ratios and KPIs you need.

Finally, you can also configure the home page with your favorite widgets so that when you access the tool you will see the data you most need to consult, as well as news and alerts in your team.

Document management

Employees can attach documents to leave and vacation requests they make, and administrators can attach individual documents to employees (e.g. payroll) or collective documents (company values) to all users of the team.

Documents can be attached, viewed and deleted according to the permissions defined for each type of document associated with each process in the system (requests, personal documentation, etc.).

Resources and work parts

Create a form of fields that workers must fill in each shift to extract the operational information you need or post in the form of payroll concepts. For example, you can create fields such as: Mileage, Per Diems, etc., to account for the corresponding amounts in case of shifts with travel.

Mobile App

The aTurnos mobile APP is the perfect complement for a more agile and efficient daily management of your employees. It is a more simplified and intuitive environment than the web where workers will find all the functionalities they need (requests, visualization of their planning, etc.) and administrators can perform simple tasks quickly (accept or deny requests, visualize changes, etc.).

Holiday Manager

We simplify the holiday requests process for supervisors and workers. Use our assistant to replan and validate the coverage of shifts.

Absence Control

And, of course, we manage all the Permissions the users might request from the application and the absences for other reasons such as sick leaves.

Configure your equipment taking into account labor legislation

Both the workers´ Statute, as a basic norm, sectoral collective agreements (national, regional or local) and / or company agreements establish mandatory standards.

Export planning data to Payroll

All the information on shifts, hours, absences ... can be exported to a csv file that will make up the variables of the month for configuring payroll.

Shift planning

Plan your team's shift schedule with our shift calculator or create templates for fixed and rotating schedules.

Payroll concepts

Export planning data to payroll to automate payments in your payroll tool, automate this process to avoid errors.

Task management

Once the schedule of your workers is done, assign tasks manually or automatically according to the skills of each worker.

aTurnos is a complete Employee Planning and Management solution.

Do you need to complete the processes of changes and schedule management with the times clocked in by the workers?

With our time and attendance module you will be able to register the clocking in and clocking out of your workers and generate their balances of hours worked. With aTurnos you can record the working hours of your employees from multiple systems for greater flexibility. In addition, we generate several reports for more efficient and dynamic legal timekeeping.

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